Pasos Con 2022 was hosted and sponsored by Four Corners Brewing Co on April 8, 2022. Other sponsors included: SoleKicks, Dated Faded Worn, Addicted 2 Kicks, Tacos Tec, T.C.B., and A.O.
Pasos Con is a sneaker and vintage marker hosted by us (Pasos for Oak Cliff) to fundraise for our community efforts.
Solekicks donated a pairs of sneakers (Air Jordan 1 Georgetown 85s), Dated Faded Worn donated a $100 gift card, Addicted 2 Kicks donated a $100 gift card as well, and Four Corners donated a care package. These donations were used a giveaway item for our fundraiser.
In total, 26 vintage vendors, 14 sneaker vendors, 10 original bands (earrings, jewelry, clothing companies, etc) and 3 food vendors joined us. 9 live performances were also scheduled.
Between 6 PM - 10 PM, about 1,500 people joined us.

Four Corners sold about over $10,000 worth of beer and and $3,560 were fundraised for our community efforts, which is $1,500 higher than the first Pasos Con!

The next Pasos Con will be held on October 28. 2022 from 6PM - 10PM.
Want the sponsor? Please email info@pasosforoc.org